Clinical impact of accurate hemoglobin monitoring in surgical and critical care settings
December 6, 2017
Webinar presented by Dr. Nam K. Tran, Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of California, Davis
About this webinar
Not all hemoglobin measurement methods provide quality results. Choosing the incorrect device and not understanding performance limits can result in unnecessary blood utilization and excess cost. This webinar will discuss the strengths and benefits of each method, and highlight confounding factors of blood gas analysis. Strategies to minimize preanalytical errors will also be discussed and evidence will be provided on the clinical impact of accurate hemoglobin testing in surgical and intensive care unit patients.About the speaker
Dr. Tran received his B.S. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2003 from UC Davis. In 2008, he completed his Ph.D. in Comparative Pathology from UC Davis. He served as a postdoctoral scholar at the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) at UC Davis – Lawrence Livermore Point-of-Care Technologies Center from 2009 to 2011. During this time he also completed a M.S. in Pharmacology and Toxicology.
In 2011, he was recognized for his contributions to the field of clinical chemistry and was voted into the membership of National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. In the same year, he was also accepted to the National Institutes of Health, funded Clinical and Translational Science Center’s (CTSC) K30, and mentored Clinical Research Training Program (MCRTP) to further his research training in burn critical care.
Currently, Dr. Tran serves as Assistant Clinical Professor in the Clinical Chemistry and Point-of-Care Testing Sections for the Department of Medical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and as a National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Emergency Medicine K12 Scholar. Dr. Tran is also the Principal Investigator for the American Burn Association Sepsis Trial [multicenter, randomized, controlled trial] and Instructor of Record for Clinical Chemistry/POCT for the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine residency program at UC Davis School of Medicine.
Who should attend?
- Laboratorians
- Point-of-care coordinators
- Respiratory therapists
- Nurses
Continuing education
For US participants:
- One PACE® credit will be provided for each session. Whitehat Communications is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program.
- Each session is approved for 1 Florida CE credit
- Florida Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel approved number: 50-12563
- This program has been approved for 1 CRCE Contact Hour by the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC)
This webinar will:
- Describe total hemoglobin methods used in laboratory and point-of-care settings
- Identify confounding factors that may result in inaccurate total hemoglobin measurement
- Identify the cost associated with inaccurate hemoglobin measurements as it relates to transfusion practice
- Discuss solutions that provide accurate monitoring of total hemoglobin in critical care and surgical settings